Happy International Hummus Day!

Yes, apparently that’s an actual thing. Who comes up with this stuff? It’s awesome!

As a lover of hummus, I figured it would be rude not to get involved in the celebrations… so I whipped up a little batch of my Nigella-inspired nutty hummus! Usually when you’re making hummus, you add tahini (or sesame butter) to it – but in this recipe, instead of seed butter, we’re going with my kitchen staple nut butter! And when hummus and nuts collide, it’s a damn fine thing I tell ya!

I used 100% chunky peanut butter in this recipe, but it would work with almond butter too. Whatever you do though, try to make sure that you’re using 100% nut butter – it does limit your choice to just a few brands on the supermarket shelves, but you skip a whole heap of sugar, salt and added oil nasties that you don’t need.

Here’s how I made it:

Ingredients (makes three portions)

Nutty hummus for International Hummus Day

Nutty hummus for International Hummus Day

  • 1 tin (400g) chickpeas
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp crunchy (or smooth if you prefer) peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp cashew nuts
  • Lemon juice (I used a whole lemon, but use as much as you need)
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1-3 tsp garlic powder (more if you prefer it garlicky)
  • Chilli flakes if you like it hot
  • salt
  • small amount of water if needed (or you could use Greek yoghurt to thin it out)

Chuck all the ingredients into the food processor and blitz it up. Add water, a tablespoon at a time, if it’s too thick and stodgy for you, or add in some Greek yoghurt for a creamier version. You could also add more lemon juice or soy sauce to loosen it.

To serve, drizzle with either a little more olive oil or sesame oil, or hoisin sauce, or sprinkle paprika over. Eat with a big salad for lunch, spread on a wholemeal pita bread with cucumber slices, dip carrots and other crudites in for kicks, or just eat with a spoon!

And have a happy hummus day! I wonder what other yummy food days they’ll dream up next…. International Day of Cheese? Mmmmmmm……

Yoga and lunch in the Chilterns? Go on then… (and 3 ways yoga can help you lose weight)

For years, I was under the assumption that unless you were vigorously jumping around, putting your sports bra through the ultimate test, bright red in the face and making your ‘fat cry’ in a gym or class, then the exercise you were doing just wouldn’t be working. And for that reason I tended to stay clear of yoga – I just didn’t think it would give me the workout I needed to get rid of my unwanted love handles. But through my nutrition studies, I started learning more about nutrition and weight management and how external factors and stress can have an impact on your body weight… my views about yoga were slowly starting to change, but I didn’t really know where to start with this whole ‘yoga thing’.

Then I met the lovely Ellie, of Yoga by Ellie. And I’m so excited that we’ve decided to combine our two passions, hers for health through yoga and mine for health through food, in an exclusive half-day retreat in the gorgeous Chilterns countryside. But more about that later!

Through Ellie’s yoga classes, and then my own explorations into yoga practice at home, I’ve slowly but surely started to realise some of the wider benefits of yoga. It really can, and DOES, play an important part in weight management. This is what I’ve found:

  • It helps to build strength and flexibility – whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, the positions in yoga start to build up power in muscle groups that support other activities that we do. So you’re burning calories doing something that will make it easier for you to burn more calories through other activity! Awesome!
  • It’s a well-known reliever of stress – for 60-90 mins you have no choice but to BREATHE. Taking this time out can have a dramatic effect on our cortisol levels. These ‘flight or fight’ hormones, when elevated or imbalanced, can lead to a build-up of fat in a layer around our waists – muffin tops ahoy! I’m not saying that one yoga class will get rid of the love handles, but regular practice and pro-actively reducing your stress levels will certainly reap health benefits in the long term.
  • Yoga helps to make you more aware and mindful of your own body, how it’s all connected and what it’s trying to tell you. Getting to know your body is part of the weight management journey too – all too often we mindlessly shovel food in our mouths either out of boredom, habit or to cope with emotions. But if you’re more aware of your tummy screaming ’FORTHELOVEOFGOD No. More. Cake.’ and are more in tune with what your body is actually crying out for, then you’re in a better position to start nurturing yourself to a healthy place.

Come join us in the Chilterns 

Yoga and healthy, plant-based foods go hand in hand. I love it. I love that feeling when you’re tucking into a bowl full of halo-worthy goodness that you KNOW your body is going to thank you for. So, that’s what we’re aiming to provide with our yoga retreat – if you live in the UK and want to get your yoga on with us and nourish your body afterwards, then drop me an email at bella@nutri-belle.co.uk or use the form on this page. The details are below:

What does it involve?

Brush away the cobwebs and grey clouds of winter with a brilliant yoga practice led by Ellie, followed by a nutritious and balanced vegetarian lunch. Both will leave you feeling better, brighter and ready for the joys of spring.

Where and when

Saturday 18 April 2015, 10am – 2pm in the gorgeous setting of Penn Street village hall. It’s easily accessible from Amersham with its main line and tube links into London.

What’s the cost?

There are only 12 spaces available – we want to keep this an intimate gathering so you get the most out of the day. Tickets cost £30 each.

More details can be found at Yoga by Ellie’s website.

I really hope you can join us – we can’t guarantee that you’ll leave us frolicking like a lamb, but you never know! 😉